Chapter 3 - Using Hiera
Hiera allows hierarchical configuration in Puppet, which is difficult to achieve with native Puppet code. Another major advantage is the separation of configuration data from the code, which makes everything generally easier. This is probably why Hiera comes bundled with Puppet Enterprise. To get a feel for what it can do, see the Puppet Labs Overview of Hiera.
A Basic Configuration
For testing purposes, we’re going to create a very simple Hiera-based Puppet Master configuration. At this point, we only have the three Puppet hosts to play with (Puppet Master, Puppet Console and PuppetDB), so we’ll verify the configuration on these nodes first. To keep things simple, we’ll follow the Hiera configuration example from the Overview, so this will be the order of events:
- Make a hiera.yaml config file.
- Arrange a hierarchy that fits your site and data.
- Write data sources.
- Use your Hiera data in Puppet.
To get to grips with Hiera, it’s worth following the Puppet Labs complete example, in which the ntp service is configured. So we first need to install the ntp puppet module on the Puppet Master…
# puppet module install puppetlabs/ntp
Notice: Preparing to install into /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules ...
Notice: Downloading from ...
Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ...
└── puppetlabs-ntp (v2.0.1)
hiera.yaml and The Hierarchy
Hiera’s hierarchy configuration is in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml.
Note: If we edit this file, then Puppet needs to be restarted before it will pick up the changes (service pe-puppet restart).
The default Hiera configuration looks like this:
- yaml
- defaults
- "%{clientcert}"
- "%{environment}"
- global
# datadir is empty here, so hiera uses its defaults:
# - /var/lib/hiera on *nix
# - %CommonAppData%\PuppetLabs\hiera\var on Windows
# When specifying a datadir, make sure the directory exists.
Hiera looks for data in /var/lib/hiera by default. To keep everything in one place, we’ll change this to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera. We’ll also change the hierarchy a bit, so the new config file looks like this:
- yaml
- node/%{::fqdn}
- "%{::environment}"
- global
datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera
Note the double-colon forces these variables to be top-scope. We do this to remove any ambiguity which may arise if a module were to define a variable of the same name. Top-scope namespace is the empty string, which is why nothing preceeds the double-colon.
This Hiera configuration provides a lot of flexibility. It allows:
- A global configuration standard for all nodes (useful for enforcing a standard build policy).
- The ability to override the global configuration for a particular environment
- The ability to override global and environment configuration for a particular node.
For example, if we create a new node called ‘webserver1’ in environment ‘uat’, Hiera will search for Puppet module parameters in the following files, in this order:
1. /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera/node/webserver1.yaml
2. /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera/uat.yaml
3. /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera/global.yaml
So that’s:
- Specific config for this particular node
- Config for all nodes in UAT
- Common config for all nodes
One really nifty feature is that Puppet will search for module parameters automatically. It doesn’t have to be explicitly configured to search Hiera data (unless the module in question uses ‘defined types’ - see the Using Hiera with Defined Types section later in this page).
Example: Data Sources and the ntp Service
Data sources are written in YAML, which is a really simple human-readable data format. For a quick glance at how data structures are represented in YAML, read this.
For example, when configuring the ntp service, we can define any global options in global.yaml:
ntp::package_ensure: latest
ntp::service_enable: true
ntp::service_ensure: running
- iburst
- iburst
- iburst
- iburst
ntp::driftfile: /var/lib/ntp/drift
Any of these options may be overriden further up the hierarchy. So for example, if we have an environment called “uat” in which we didn’t want to run the ntp service, we could put this in uat.yaml:
ntp::service_ensure: stopped
To test this, we can run the hiera command line tool, which allows you to test your Hiera configuration without repeated puppet agent runs:
# hiera ntp::service_ensure ::environment=uat
# hiera ntp::service_ensure ::environment=dev
However, if we wanted to run the ntp service on a particular node in uat called “” we can do this no problem in node/uat-
ntp::service_ensure: running
And test:
# hiera ntp::service_ensure ::environment=uat
# hiera ntp::service_ensure ::environment=uat
Using Hiera Data in Puppet
We briefly mentioned that Puppet automatically searches Hiera data for module parameters. So when we ‘include’ the ntp class, Puppet will query hiera for its parameters. Let’s do that…
File: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp
node default {
# First test: ntp. This includes the puppetlabs ntp module, which should
# pick up its parameters from Hiera automatically.
include ntp
We can also use Hiera to load the ntp class as well, using the hiera_include function. Like this:
File: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp
Then we define the ‘classes’ array in global.yaml:
# Specify which classes to enable
- ntp
This provides the magical ability to enable and disable classes from the global configuration file, rather than editing the Puppet site.pp manifest directly.
Note: This also allows us to leave the classes array undefined in global.yaml and enable the appropriate classes per environment, or even per node. Hopefully it’s becoming clear how flexible this Hiera tool can be…
In any case, we’re now including the ntp module, and providing parameter data via Hiera, all with very little effort!
Using Hiera with Defined Types
Sometimes the options required by a particular module are a bit more complex; usually because the module has defined a particular resource type. In these cases, Puppet’s automatic parameter lookup function will fail as it will only search for class parameters in Hiera, but we can help it to find what it’s looking for using the built-in functions hiera and create_resources.
What does this mean? Well, here’s an example of the data structure required by the puppetlabs/apache module, which defines its own resource type ‘apache::vhost’:
This is how we might use the defined type in a Puppet manifest:
apache::vhost { '':
port => '80',
docroot => '/var/www/',
docroot_owner => 'foo',
docroot_group => 'foo',
options => ['Indexes','FollowSymLinks','MultiViews'],
proxy_pass => [ { 'path' => '/a', 'url' => 'http://backend-a/' } ],
apache::vhost { '':
port => '80',
docroot: => '/var/www/',
So it’s a “hash of hashes” data structure. We can represent this in YAML like so:
port: 80
docroot: /var/www/
docroot_owner: foo
docroot_group: foo
- Indexes
- FollowSymLinks
- MultiViews
path: '/a'
url: 'http://localhost:8080/a'
port: 80
docroot: /var/www/
To retrieve this data from our Puppet code, we need to pull the Hiera data into a hash variable, then define the resource that this hash represents using the amazingly useful ‘create_resources’ function:
$myvhosts = hiera('apache::vhosts', {})
create_resources('apache::vhost', $myvhosts)
This one requires a bit of thinking… The first line assigns the YAML data structure to a hash variable, and the second tells Puppet to use this hash to declare an ‘apache::vhost’ resource type for each key in the hash.
I’ll try and make it clearer…
create_resources: The General Solution
Forget about specific modules for a moment. This is the basic principle.
1. Take a complex data structure, like this:
defined_type { 'name':
key1 => 'value1',
key2 => 'value2',
key3 => ['element1','element2','element3']
key4 => [ { 'subkey1' => 'subvalue1', 'subkey2' => 'subvalue2' } ],
2. Represent it in YAML:
key1: value1
key2: value2
- element1
- element2
- element3
subkey1: subvalue1
subkey2: subvalue2
3. Pull that Hiera data into a Puppet hash variable (the ‘hiera’ function will only pull the data relevant to a particular node, as dictated by your hierarchy):
$my_hash = hiera('data_identifier', {})
4. Then use create_resources to declare a resource for each key of the hash:
create_resources('defined_type', $my_hash)
Note: For simplicity, ‘data_identifier’ is often the same string as ‘defined_type’, but it’s important to realise that it can be anything you like. This is the key to understanding how it works - you’re either using Puppet’s auto-lookup feature, in which case the data identifier has to match the class and parameter names, or you’re using create_resources, in which case there’s no auto-lookup and the data identifier can be anything you want.
Hopefully that helps you get started. I can assure you it becomes clearer the more you use it.