Appendix A - Custom Facts
This is the usual course of events during a Puppet Agent run:
- Puppet Agent collects all relevant ‘facts’ about itself and submits this information to the Puppet Master.
- The Puppet Master examines this information and builds a ‘catalog’ containing configuration details for the node.
- The Puppet Agent receives the catalog and makes any necessary changes.
The component which collects all the facts is called ‘facter’. The default list of facts is quite comprehensive, but there will be times when decisions need to be made based on other information. In these cases, the best option is to add custom facts to facter’s database which will then be automatically provided to the Puppet Master on the next agent run.
Defining Custom Facts
There are a number of ways to define custom facts. Two methods we’ve used so far are:
- Defining ‘external’ facts in a YAML file.
- Defining a fact using the pluginsync functionality via the ‘custom’ module.
External Facts
This is the simplest method of defining a custom fact. We create a new file called /etc/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d/FACT_NAME.yaml and add a line like this:
factname: factvalue
For example, when defining a new node’s ‘role’:
role: web
Since the server role needs to be defined before the first puppet agent run, we can just create the necessary file and trust that facter will pick up the information. The ‘hatch’ autoprovisioning script does exactly that:
echo "Setting server role to '$ROLE'"
ssh $TEMPIP "mkdir -p /etc/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d && echo \"role: $ROLE\" >
Note that External facts override Ruby facts.
Ruby Facts
We can define facts using Ruby code, but first we need to know where to put the code. The best way to illustrate this is with a real-life example. For auto-provisioning purposes, it would really help if the puppet agent was aware of the IP address it is supposed to have, rather than the one currently configured. Since we have the intended hostname for the system ($::fqdn), we can get this information from DNS, so we’ll call the new fact ‘dns_ipaddress’.
Note: For this method to work, the agent must have ‘pluginsync’ enabled. This is on by default in Puppet Enterprise:
File: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
pluginsync = true
Once that’s done, we need to create a new module for custom facts (and any other custom properties we may need) in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules:
The init.pp file must exist or this won’t be recognised as a valid module, but it only needs to define the class.
# Custom module for distributing custom facts, types, etc.
class pl_custom { }
Then in pl_custom/lib/facter/dns_ipaddress.rb we have our ruby code:
Facter.add('dns_ipaddress') do
setcode do
Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("/usr/bin/host -t a $(/usr/local/bin/facter fqdn) | /bin/awk '{print $NF}'")
As you can see, all it does is run a system command and assign the output to a facter fact. The next time the Puppet Agent runs, it will start by syncing plugins, and then evaluate any new code before sending the fact list to the master.
And that’s it!